Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Living Library Project

Most people think of knowledge as a relationship between the knower and the known. Under this conception, to know is to know about.

This is not the only picture of knowledge. We can also conceive of knowledge as relationships between knowers. That is to say that knowledge is best shared between people. Under this conception, to know is to know with.

Virtual Alexandria has many resources to learn about things, but the Living Library Project is about bringing people together to teach and learn. To this end, we are creating a database of subject matter experts to augment the already impressive stacks of Virtual Alexandria. When customers of the Library ask questions or need skills that experts can best answer, a librarian contacts the expert to facilitate the best possible answer.

But the Living Library project goes far beyond simple questions. It also involves bringing together students and mentors to train in various skills. This includes mundane skills as well as subtler arts. The final aspect of the Living Library Project is connecting students and mentors for training in mystical/magical/mechanical wonders. Need to learn a programming language? We've got programmers. Need to learn how to walk the spirit world? No prob.

We take this sort of mentoring incredibly seriously and will help students and mentors participate in the exchange in a secure fashion. The Library creates temporary safehouses for instruction and engages in resonance encryption to prevent detection. Our saying around the Library is that it is never more dangerous contributing to the library as it is knowing the information in the first place.

If you are interested in becoming a subject matter expert/mentor for the Living Library Project, fill out our form here. Once we have built up our database, we'll create a portal for interested students. Direct all inquiries to virtual.alexandria.project@gmail.com.

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Oracle on Prime

There is one secret and only one secret to the understanding of the Art of Prime. This has been passed down from the time in the Cult of Ecstasy from when we created the Code of Ananda. Ananda, fun fact, is Sanskrit for Bliss. So the Cult follows the Code of Bliss. Very interesting historical fact for you. Already you are learning.

But the secret! Ah yes the secret of the base essence of the universe. The very stuff that makes us real, all the way down to our "God Particles". Listen close, for that secret is:


That's it. To utilize the reality supporting nether beyond, just be.

Be joyous. Ancients held that those in the fits of rapture could see fae, and otherworldly creatures. This is absolutely true. At our highest states of being, we can see the other sides of everything around us. As we be, so to do the things and peoples around us.

Be kind. To others, to yourself, to those in need, and to all ways of life. Never obstruct the Awakening of those around you. If you see the Bhudda in the road, kill the Bhudda.

Be free. Yourself and others. The Code says, "Thou art miraculous. So art we all." Be excellent to one another.

Be. Fucking exist. Fucking feel. Fucking touch, and experiment, and push! Achieving this higher conciousness allows one to see the unifying factors in us all. At these highest planes of existance, we gain a deeper understanding of what binds us all. What are we? We fucking are!

It is the only way.