
The Virtual Alexandria Project aims to collate all the world's knowledge into a single virtual database. This poses a problem, since computer-based storage operates via computational systems and not all knowledge can be represented computationally. How exactly should the Wisdom of Solomon be encoded into 1s and 0s?

For this reason, the Virtual Alexandria Project is hosted in the Virtual Umbra. Umbral space has long been the repository for symbolic metasystems because of its capacity for non-Euclidean geometric forms and epiphenomenal substance. Because of its robust epistemic latitude, Umbral space is the ideal storage medium for all the world's knowledge.

Using the Umbral platform, the library boasts a broad spectrum of esoteric wisdom. Categories include:

Mythic Beasts
Such as harpies, dragons, centaurs, and other elusive creatures. 

Supernatural Factions
Such as Kindred, Garou, Kithain, and other courts of power.

Magical Techniques
Such as arcane geometry, esoteric wisdom, ecstatic states, and inspired technology.

Art, Architecture and Music
Including ancient, classic, medieval, renaissance, modern, and postmodern.

Science and Technology
A wide spectrum of scientific and technical knowledge, ranging from gene sequencing to astrophysics.

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