Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Dreaming: Travels, Trials, and Tribulations

Attendees of the upcoming St. Louis Summit on Lore and Occult are invited to a presentation on travel in the Dreaming. What are the inherent risks and rewards of such travel? How does one prepare and who should one bring along? You’ll have to show up to find out.

Saladin, a reporter by trade, has extensively explored the local Dreaming and actively served in the previous Fae conflicts as a messenger and scout. A great source of knowledge for all attendees, whether experienced with or completely unaware of the Dreaming

There will also be a short Q and A after the presentation, and possibly prizes.

Fools Luck: A Treatise on the Accordance War and its Outcomes

Join us for an extended panel outlining the details of the Accordance War and its impact on politics in the years that have followed.

Presented by Gutgrinder, a veteran of the Accordance War and commoner rights activist.

A Comparative Analysis of Fundamental Magical Energies between Various Sects of Supernatural Entities

We are excited to announce a multi-participant panel taking up one of the core questions of the ages: What are the similarities and differences between the sources of supernatural power? Are freeholds, caerns, and nodes the same thing? Is gnosis, glamour, vitae, and quintessence the same thing? What are the metaphysical and practical differences between gifts, disciplines, arts, and spheres?

Take up these and more questions at this panel hosted by Councilor Phaedra bani Bonisagus of the Order of Hermes, magi of the seventh degree, Adept of Ars Potentiae. Also including panelists from various supernatural communities.

Winter, It’s about Summer

Join us for a presentation on the Endless Winter, if it should be ended, and how it can (or cannot) be survived.

Full title:

Winter, It's about Summer: An examination of Debt, Glamour, & Precipitation w/ a special message from our past president FDR.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Balor Blinded: The Prophetic Import of the Destruction of the Red Star

Join us at the St Louis Summit on Lore and the Occult to hear reflections on this topic by the enigmatic "Jazz Man" on the final moments of the Red Star and portents of the End Times. His presentation will discuss the prophecy realization that the destruction of the Red Star brings and its interpreted meaning with relation to the end of all things. Very recently, the Red Star, the Harbinger of the End, the Baleful Eye of Balor, was destroyed. What happens when the portent of the end ends?

Law and Secret Orders: The Problems and Possibilities of Cross-Sect Law Enforcement

How do you punish a garou for killing a dreamer? How should a mage be held accountable for violating a caern?

The standards of conduct vary across supernatural communities. The needs of supernatural entities vary. These variances pose cultural, moral, and metaphysical challenges. In the past, these sticky issues have resulted in violent conflict, or in some cases, war between factions. 

What if some accord could be struck? Are their common commitments that are shared? What protocol should be followed? Who has jurisdiction? What magic can/should be used to collect evidence? How do we deal with conflicting legal structures? 

Come join Knight Captain Boaz ap Gwydion, Constable of the County of the Gates raise these and other important issues at the Summit on March 18. Boaz will be joined by representatives of the eternal night, children of Gaia, and the sons and daughters of Solomon to discuss the problems and possibilities that lie at this complex legal framework. 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Best Presentation Award

The Virtual Alexandria Project is announcing its "Best Presentation Award." This award will be selected by the conference goers. The recipient will have win either

  • $10,000 or
  • 4 quintessence/dross/gnosis
Two runner up prizes will be $1000 or 1 quint.

St Louis Summit on Lore and the Occult

The Virtual Alexandria Project is hosting the first annual St Louis Summit on Lore and the Occult. This event will bring together scientists, scholars, and sages from diverse communities to take up pressing problems and enduring mysteries.

But you might ask: Isn't it more trouble than it's worth to bring together various factions of the supernatural world?

Absolutely not.

We at the Library believe that the creation, collection, and curation of knowledge is our best chance of building a better world. Let's face it, we have age old paradoxes that have troubled various parts of our community since time has been counted. What if? What if we held the answers to each others riddles?

  • What if the rites of the children of Luna could better inform those who develop nodes?
  • What if the mystic's approach to enlightenment offers solace to those in the line of Caine?
  • What if Thaumaturgy held the secret to overcoming Bedlam?
  • And what if the mystery of the Dragon's Ire shed light on how Gaia's Warriors can resist frenzy when under their auspice moon?

No, I'm not saying any of these things are true. But how the heck will we know they aren't true if we never talk about them? If you are willing to step with us into the silence that has evolved between us, join us on March 18.