Friday, April 14, 2017

High Ritual: We are More than the Sum of Our Parts

Join Councilor Phaedra bani Bonisagus of the Order of Hermes, Master of Ars Potentiae, Deacon of Alexandria University, magi of the eight degree, as she delves into the struggles and possibilities of high ritual magic. Phaedra, driven by her quest for unity, has led a variety of reality bending rituals that have included highly diverse participants.

When manipulating the Tapestry, the warp and weave of reality, there comes a time for every mage when the necessary task seems not only improbable but impossible. However, there is little to nothing that the power of the many cannot achieve in a High Ritual. Furthermore, I theorize that not only may willworkers empower the essence of the spell, but any being with the appropriate understanding of reality may do so. Attend and discover if Unity is possible.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Jhor: The Deadly Quiet

Many mages and willworkers are familiar with the image of the stark raving lunatic whose magic has broken his ability to connect to the world. Just as dangerous, but less known, is the danger of Jhor. A function of dabbling with death, Jhor can twist and bend the mage's mind, body, and spirit.

Come join Dakota, Verbena/Euthanatos, Blessed by Jupiter, child of Uktena, Slayer of Voormas, Destroyer of the Red Star, Lord of Wraiths, as he reflects on the importance of being thoughtful when dealing with death and its energies. 

What are the Daeva Doing to the Shadowlands?

Mr. Rudolph D.M. Giovanni, one of our event sponsors, proposes an Occult Issue Panel to discuss the question, "What are the Daeva doing to the Shadowlands?" Come puzzle out the challenges of dealing with these creatures of smoke and deal.

Monday, April 10, 2017

VR Training Deck

We are happy to announce that there will be a VR Training Deck at the Summit this year. Powered by the Virtual Alexandria Project's Dreamtime Collective initiative, the training hookup will focus on four core areas of development:

  • Combat
  • Espionage
  • Puzzles
  • Magic
The Training Deck will be hosted on a VIVE device. Attendees interested in improving their skills in these areas should consider trying it out!

OOC: We will actually have a VIVE at the event, with a demo of games like: 

Fruit Ninja

Fantastic Contraption
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

EspionageUnseen Diplomacy
Budget Cuts

Tilt Brush
Waltz of the Wizard

The Vulnerability Paradox

Alex, Virtual Adept and founder of the Virtual Alexandria Project, presents on a new initiative known as the Vulnerability Paradox. Alex blends three threads of scholarship: work on "change seeds" (ideas that change the being of the idea holder), non-reproducing ideas (ideas that do not create copies of themselves when shared), and encrypting blockchains to include secondary messaging.

Using these three notions, Alex proposes a way of creating a shared mental space that is 1.) accessible anywhere, 2.) collaborative in nature, and 3.) highly resistant to telepathic eavesdropping that allows for both synchronous/asynchronous and targeted/public messaging.

Come attend this presentation and many others at the St Louis Summit on Lore and the Occult. Register here.

All Aboard: The Collective Deception, Sanity, and You (Mind the First Step, it's a Doozy)

Jack is Jack.

Jack is whack.

Jack will take a whack at explaining how being whack might get you flack but if you have the knack what folks think you lack actually be on the right track. Something, something, madness network.

Disclaimer: Attending Jack's presentation may induce temporary insanity or altered perceptions of reality or the true perception that reality is a lie. Attending is to voluntarily submit yourself to such things. Some truth are simply too true to not enjoy with cheesecake. This is important. Though I'm not sure why.

Come attend this presentation and many others at the St Louis Summit on Lore and the Occult. Register here.

The Mysterious World of Unseen Dreams: What Dangers the Unenchanted Should be Aware Of

Saladin, master of Dreamcraft and member of the Keepers of the Dreaming, offers the unenchanted a window into the mysteries of the Dreaming. A returning presenter, Saladin is well versed in the dynamics of the Dreaming and fae magic. Saladin is also the editor of News of the Wyrd, a local publication on the strange and chimerical.

Attendance of or participation in this talk may result in enchantment. Per the Ethical Participation agreement, do not attend if you are uninterested in the effects of enchantment.

Come attend this presentation and many others at the St Louis Summit on Lore and the Occult. Register here.

The Ancient Enemy II

Alexander, Bastion of the Litany of the Garou Nation, discusses the dangers of the Wyrm and its tendency to corrupt corporate structures. A continuation of a presentation at last year's summit, Alexander focuses on local for profit organizations that have been corrupted by the Wyrm and its agents.

Come attend this presentation and many others at the St Louis Summit on Lore and the Occult. Register here.