Tuesday, May 5, 2015


[For those accessing the library on May 5, 2015]

You spin In a tapestry of stars, the blue black of the night rushes past your skin and you feel the blur of moving through time and space.

Reality lashes around you. You find your presence sitting atop a hill. The night is black and dark, the winter snows are just barely clinging to the ground, down the hill a convoy of three black SUVs arrive. A man gets out and speaks in a language you cannot decipher currently, he seems to be giving directions to the militant ghouls that pile out around him.

This man is walking with a young woman with beautiful flowing brown hair, they ascend to the top of the hill and into the crater. Even at night the man wears thick wrap around glasses, and his demeanor is cold and alien, despite the smile he wears on his face. While the girl is positively beaming and she seems to be clutching a cat in her arms.

When they arrive near the center of the crater she turns and says a tearful goodbye to the man, still in a language you cannot understand. Then she puts down the cat and steps into a deep hole. A blinding light erupts from the crater driving the man in glasses back away from the dazzling display of quintessence. As the light fades all that is left is the great tree.

The man nods and bows his head, whipping his brow of the blood that has bubbled to the surface then he moves up and touches the tree. A caress a parent would give to a child. Then he leaves.

The night spins on and as the moon finally rises as a barely visible thumbnail directly above the tree you see a rustling from within the branches, and the cat that she brought with her bounds down the trunk to the ground. It looks up at the moon thru the branches of the barren tree and mews softly into the night.

Once again you see the world start to spin the stars and the purple sky of near dawn coming across your vision swiftly. But just as you lose your concentration you see the cat shimmer and grow larger then shimmer again and shift sideways into the umbra.

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