Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Möbius Server

The Möbius Server is a nonspatial, nontemporal computer server. It can be accessed anywhere, anytime, using computer technology or other forms of consciousness expanding activity (like dreaming, meditation, spirit messengers, etc). It has a variety of functionalities and securities that draw on a mastery of Time, Correspondence, Spirit, Mind, Entropy, and Prime. It is designed as a fee-per-service system, charging users quintessence, willpower, or a magical energy source of another kind (like gnosis, glamour, or pathos).

Types of Connection 
Digital: Use the Computer skill to connect a digital device to the server
Mental: Use the Meditation skill to mentally connect to the server
Spiritual: Use the Cosmology or Rituals skill to spiritually connect to the server
Dreaming: Use Lucid Dreaming skill to go there in sleep
Interdimensional: Characters with Time, Correspondence, and Spirit 5 can travel to their domain within the server.

Power Sources 
Any form of mental or spiritual energy can be used to pay the costs of the server. Quintessence, Gnosis, Glamour, Willpower, Pathos, etc.


Create an Account
The user connects to the server for the first time. They choose their type of access (digital, meditative, etc). They establish a personal domain within the server. They also choose which other accounts or services they would like their domain connected to (another users, the Virtual Alexandria Project, the MUSE Network, an interlibrary loan partner, etc). Their personal domain in the server only has the information that they supply (either through mental sharing or upload) or by connecting to other domains or networks. Interested in creating an account? Click here!

Basic Uplink
Connect to the server for a moment, allowing a computational/mental task to be done instantaneously. Can upload information (making it always available upon future uplinks, even if the information is forgotten by the user) or download information they have access to (things they have previously uploaded or information from networks their domain is connected to). (Rules: costs 1 quint, will, pathos, etc, per round. Being linked into the server gives the user an additional non-magical mental action that round and +5 to mental challenges that round.)

Deep Uplink
Connect to the server for a moment in embodied time around the user, but it allows the user to delve deeply into the server, temporarily suspending the users mental world and allowing them to work out complex problems in a moment. (Rules: cost: 3/connection. +5 to mental challenges, gain an additional downtime action based focused on learning, analysis, planning, or building mental models. At ST discretion, deep uplinks may spark the awakening of an unenlightened user or a seeking for an enlightened one.)

By exposing themselves to vast knowledge, users can inspire themselves to transform, learn, and grow. (Rules: cost: variable. This can be used to alter one’s nature, trade one derangement for another, buy off mental flaws, buy mental merits, rename or rebalance resonance, or acquire merits related to the pursuit or protection of knowledge (like Higher Purpose, Conditional Magic, etc). The cost of this function is equal to the point value of the merit, flaw, resonance renamed, etc. STs can set cost for natures, derangements, etc. Also, STs can require the character to visit one of the Epiphamies in order to change a significant aspect of their character.)

Pantemporal Computing
Connect to data structures across time. When reading data, this effectively grants the user a use of pre/postcognition. Can be used to auguemnt the pursuit of various forms of knowledge. (Rules: cost: 2. Allows the user to gain +1 to the use of a background that spreads or acquires knowledge. Also, knowledge seeking/spreading backgrounds can be triggered in a single turn, as the server can backdate the request so that it finishes at the time of the request.)

Visit Epiphamy
The Server is connected to the Epiphamies, a set of abstract spirit worlds that teach important lessons and concepts. The Server enables users to create an astral representation of themselves and visit the Epiphamies or other astral realms. (Rules: cost: 5. Astrally projects the user to the Epiphamy realms)

Creative users can potentially use the server to accomplish other effects given its unique design. (Rules: cost: variable. The cost and likelihood of success are subject to ST discretion. As a base cost, add the total of all relevant spheres needed for the effect.)


Open Source API: The code needed to connect a computer to the server is out in the world, hosted in various places across the web. It is all but impossible to get rid of the code, and it is a relatively simple matter to get one’s hands on it.

Temple of the Mind Meme: Spiritual and mental users often share with others the success they have had accessing the server. The methods of using it spread through religious, spiritual, and intellectual communities.

Networks within the Server

The Virtual Alexandria Project

Characters can access the project from their server.

The Epiphamies (from the Infinite Tapestry)

Epiphamies are powerful, highly conceptual domains found in the High Umbra. The Server is manifested in the same astral strata. In essence, it is an epiphamy in its own right. However, it is connected to the other epiphamies. Users venturing to the Epiphamies should do so at their own risk; they are complex spiritual realms

· The World Stage
· The Continuum Orrey
· Newtonian Mechanics/Einsteinian Relativity
· Motherhood
· The Apex of History
· The Nihil
· The Well of Remembrance
· The Well of Souls
· The Fortress of Government

In essence, the Server is itself an Epiphamy, inviting its visitors to reflect on the nature of space, time, and knowledge.

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