Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Stairway to Heaven: Using Logarithmic Functions to Expand and Shrink Astral Consciousness

Ever wonder what the inside of an electron is like? Or perhaps how the totality of the Milky Way galaxy looks like?

The universe is defined by a profound variance of orders of magnitude. The Planks Length is 10 to the negative 35 meters, while on the other hand the universe is estimated to be measured at 10 to the 26 meters. This means that there are 53 orders of magnitude in existence. That's a lot to wrap one's head around.

This building workshop has the goal of building an astral staircase that can be walked up or down to broaden or shrink the users perception of reality. Walking up one flight of stairs would expand the users relative size perception by 10 times. So for instance, walking up six flights would make someone seem like they were the size of the moon. Walking down 18 flights of stairs would put the person on the same scale as an electron. The staircase would be constructed in the astral plane to prevent the obvious paradoxical nature of manipulating that much mass. It would not allow the user to interact with the astral world as though it were huge or small, but rather merely reshape their perception of the universe.

Can it be done? We don't know! Come join us on March 1 and see what we can build.

Register for the Occult Summit here.

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