Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Graceful Butterfly: An Odd Case for Practical Time Travel

Time travel is often considered the most dangerous of all magical, spiritual, and scientific of operations. While nearly every temporal ontology reflects on the possibility of dynamic temporality, nearly all also posit that it is nothing short of disastrous. Magi fear the paradox such actions might cause. Some foster the fear of time travel so much that they give a proper name the paradox that emerges from the misuse of time magic (they call him Wrinkle). There is strong evidence that this fear is well placed. Time travelers have been known to go missing and there is much theory about all the things time travel will mess up, often referred to as the Butterfly Effect.

And yet.

What if the solution was there all along. What if butterflies were actually the solution to sustainable time travel? This presentation makes the case that butterflies perfectly embody the concepts of alterity, fractality, and liminality that make them ideal magical foci for low-impact time travel. Join Alex Andria as he draws on the meditation of Zhuangzi (who was unsure if he was a man dreaming he was a butterfly or vice versa) to make the case about how blending Time, Spirit, Mind, Entropy, Prime, and Correspondence offers a viable path for benign time travel.

Register for the Occult Summit here.

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